We should aware of our house types and what types apt for our outer walls and the important one is which is best for your home walls before the rending. So house renders should be aware of everything about the house. They are having so many responsibilities about the house. Nowadays so many house rending available if anyone wants to know about house rending we should give so many options. That they are,

Cement Render:

This is the most durable type, these types are available for long times. According to the experts, it is stronger than lime render. When we have applied this type of sealing or painting that will provide additional support to the building. It will surely pervert the exterior walls. And then important one is cement render is not recommended for older home types because it could make cracks and breaks. This type of render is the best option for builders and homeowners. Because it is a cost-effective one compare with other types of lime and polymer renders. Cement render is cured quicker and then it is easy to apply. Everyone knows this cement render is the most popular rendering option.

Lime Render:

Lime render is often referred to as traditional natural hydraulic lime render or else NHL in short form. This is used for all types of buildings. It will give all the options available on your walls. Lime render only can easily give breathable render and it helps to expand and contract with the surface to any types of buildings. So most people think that this is the best choice of a wooden or older building and then surfaces too.

house renders

Polymer Render:

Polymer render is a new one. This type of render uses silicone water that is the essential part of the rendering process. Lime render can easily repel water on the surface. It can allow the water to change over the vapour and it will easily help to breathe. This is commonly used for brick and wooden homes.

Monocouche Render:

First, we have to know that mono means one or singular and then couche means in French is diagonal, and then these two join together gives meaning ok single layer. This type will help to best protect from the weather. Monocouche Render is suitable for all types and it will add to the extra decorative elements. This type is often considered a good base coat and good fitting to the new buildings. The most important one is Monocouche has multiple colours. We can use this through the lime and polymer renders.

Insulated Render:

Insulated Render, is called exterior wall insulation or EWL. This type of insulated render will reduce the homeowner’s footprint in carbon. Insulated render will help to reduce heat from the wall. This type is mostly used on walls when it has no cracks and any cavity. It is used for buildings with solid walls, single-skin walls, steel or timber-framed walls. Everyone knows that insulated render or exterior insulation is the best choice for our home. Because it is a budget-friendly one. This type of insulation may stay long long years without lost its shine.