These funds usually come from wealthy individuals who share the profits of realized capital gains. But it is entirely possible for an individual to invest in the currency market individually. Simply go through a trading platform or entrust the capital to a retail trader, a financial operator holding small but many accounts receivable. You can choose a broker for the best results now.

Insurance and pension funds

Insurance companies, as well as companies managing pension funds, have significant capital through the deposits of their clients. In order to be able to finance subscribers’ pensions or finance reimbursements at the level of insurers, Forex is an excellent opportunity for these stakeholders to make profits by selling currencies at a price higher than their purchase value.


choose a broker

More and more large companies and especially multinationals are involved in Forex. The purchase and sale of foreign exchange stocks allow them to limit the risks of floating exchange rates to protect their commercial contracts, whose prices are generally based on the prices of international currencies.

The internal stakeholders of Forex

In-house operators are among the most important players in ensuring the smooth functioning of the market and the financial system. The best-known Forex trader is undoubtedly the trader who plays the intermediary between investors and the market.

But there are also specialized computer scientists to ensure the reliability of communications, financial engineers responsible for designing new financial products and especially analysts responsible for forecasting market developments to help salespeople make their decisions.

Traders or brokers

Traders are Forex-level traders who handle different customer requests formulated as buy orders and / or sell orders. As the buying and selling prices of currencies fluctuate constantly during trading sessions, traders must execute their trades at the right time to maximize profits and avoid losses for their clients.

Traders meeting success on the Forex make use of a trading strategy that they respect scrupulously. New forms of trading, some of which are distinguished by their complexity, appear on the Forex. However, it is possible to understand the fundamentals of these methods and apply them judiciously to optimize the operations on the currency market. Thus, it is necessary to seize the principles of the different strategies to succeed on the Forex.

Complex trading strategies

The majority of traders prefer to apply a simple and effective strategy. Professional traders, knowing how to perform certain calculations, appreciate complex trading strategies.

The characteristics of complex trading methods

All forms of complex trading are based on more than three technical indicators. Some are based on the analysis of statistical and economic data.

The experts in the fundamental analysis are interested in the economic activities that are essential to their calculations. In any case, traders who use a complex strategy are not limited to following a trend.

They take into account various data to decide the best period to sell or buy currencies on the Forex.

Some complex trading strategies

The most adopted complex strategies are:

  • Fundamental analysis, complex multi-conditional system, Fibonacci retracements, the Forex Munzer system, the trend.
  • Fundamental analysis and the multi-conditional system are the most used by traders. The fundamental analysis system is used to forecast long-term currency prices.

This method is only available to traders who consider macroeconomic data such as inflation and interest rates. The multi-conditional system takes into account the data presented in some Forex charts.