On September, the last IPv4 addresses were distributed in our country. Thus, addresses were available much longer according to the old protocol than was ever predicted. And IPv4 still dominates, although IPv6 has been recommended for more than three years. But the introduction is delayed because companies fear additional costs and often cannot assess the extent of a change. With the myip deals, this is important.

There are many indications that managing the new IPv6 addresses alone will be a challenge for many companies. Expanding to 128-bit addresses will simply disable a number of IP address management databases and is impossible to accomplish with Excel spreadsheets alone.

What should companies pay attention to when developing their IPv6 strategy? Some points are well known. All hardware and software must be checked consistently. Personnel must be given IPv6 training, and network policies must be re-evaluated or created.

However, there are a few other very important aspects of the transition to IPv6 for these general issues. Infoblox, the provider of IPAM and DNS solutions, has put together seven tips to make the transition easier:


Automated tracking of IP addresses

The most significant change in IPv6 adoption is the impact of this new protocol on IP address allocation and management. With the move from 32-bit IPv4 addresses to 128-bit IPv6 addresses, companies need to decide how to allocate and track IP addresses in the future. While such tracking in IPv4-addressed networks was possible manually via spreadsheets, with IPv6, this is no longer feasible.

Just the length of IPv6 addresses makes manual management difficult, if not impossible. Businesses should, therefore, switch to automated and fully IPv6 compliant IP address management (IPAM).

Modern DNS architecture

When planning IPv6 on the internal network, companies should look to see if the rest of their IP management structure is ready to migrate to IPv6. If the assignment of addresses is done through DHCP, then companies need to logically support an IPv6 compliant DHCP server. However, it is equally important to configure IPv6 DNS domain support, a DNS server address, a network time server address, and other items associated with the DHCP server. Crucially, the IT department installs a modern DNS infrastructure that supports both IPv4 (A Records) and IPv6 (AAAA Records).

New Guidelines for Safety and Maintenance

All businesses must be prepared to revise their IPv6 security and maintenance policies. The weaknesses of an IPv4 stack are already known due to the long-term use, but for IPv6, there are no comparable empirical values. Hence the need for a consistent analysis of possible threats that may arise from the new protocol. For companies, this means they need to revise their position on security issues as they transition to the new protocols.

Inventory of the network infrastructure

A successful transition to IPv6 cannot begin until a company understands which devices are connected to the current IPv4-based network. Both the network infrastructure and the routing of the traffic must be subjected to a detailed analysis. For each subnet, check that the connection to the backbone is fully functional under the new protocol.